Andy DuCett

Andy DuCett



Midwest Region of USA
Andy DuCett
Andy DuCett creates experiences. From early assemblages of everyday objects collected from alleyway dumpsters, his work has developed to include fully immersive happenings that have the air of a stage set, school carnival, and flea market all rolled into one. His work triggers powerful associations in those for whom the 1970s and ‘80s contain the seeds of childhood mythologies. He enjoys the contradictions inherent in nostalgia—the tension between how we remember the past and how the past really was.

DuCett creates places within places for the viewer, loads them with the stuff of memory and association, and turns us loose in them, often with tongue held firmly in cheek. In his Mom Booth, the artist plays on the idea of an information booth by staffing it with actual mothers: our earliest sources of all information, and often the ongoing suppliers of advice, solicited and unsolicited. The work is made as much by the viewer’s experience and enjoyment of it as it is by the artist. 

I think nostalgia can be a great kind of location device, and it’s not just wallowing in this romantic idea. It’s a way of thinking about the space that you’ve traveled since then. I think it’s a nice reminder of home or place, and conversations of what that can mean.

Andy DuCett