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Things have kicked up a gear in preparation for State of the Art: Discovering American Art Now. Our curatorial team is working on the exhibition catalog. The preparators and registrars are piecing together the complex shipment and installation schedule for the more-than 100 works of art that will soon begin arriving from all around the country. (The earliest install will be mid-July, if you can believe it. More on that as the date gets closer.) And our creative services team is readying the exhibition graphics.

Digital Media Manager Shane Richey displays the gear he carried on his recent trip to Boston.

We’re also planning and preparing for the multi-media elements of the exhibition. Because the artists’ voices are so important to this project, curators recorded video of each of their in-studio visits with the artists. Some of this video will also be used for the exhibition app and audio tour, and our digital media team is now hitting the road to add to that footage. Three team members are going to be traveling over the next several weeks, hauling their AV gear to cities around the country to capture video of the artists whose work will appear in State of the Art.

Shane Richey, Digital Media Manager, recently returned from four days in Boston. Jessica Whalen, our Digital Media Producer, is currently on the road to Knoxville, TN, and Atlanta, GA. She gets back on Friday, when our Digital Media Specialist, Heather Marie Wells, will head out for Chicago. Jessica leaves again for New York on Sunday, then for San Francisco and Santa Fe the following week. Heather Marie travels to New Orleans in July…. You can see how this is going.

On each trip, our intrepid travelers will be making several visits to artists in and around their hub cities, conducting video interviews and shooting footage of the artists at work in their studios. (I’m encouraging them to blog from the road, to share with you some of their adventures as the exhibition progresses, so stay tuned.)

The final result of all this travel will be an exhibition that offers unprecedented views into the minds and processes of these remarkable artists. Having seen more than 50 of the initial interview videos myself so far, I am absolutely wowed by these conversations and the insight they provide regarding what it means to be an artist in America today.

There’s still so much to be done, but we are enjoying the journey. And we can’t wait to share what we discover with all of you.

Linda DeBerry is Crystal Bridges’ Copy Editor.

Category: Behind the Scenes, Exhibitions, State of the Art, audio tour, travel, video